Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bittersweet Evolution

The British brought many good and bad things to India. They gave the Indian population, men and women alike, an opportunity at education. (6) They were also able to improve previous medicine and technology. Although the British greatly improved Indian technology and advanced their culture, India still came to resent their conquerors. This resentment came from the consequences of the British’s actions.
                The British brought the textile mill to India as a means of cheaper production. (7) After the Industrial revolution, the British outsourced factories to India in order cut down the salaries of their employees. With little to no laws regulating worker’s rights, many Indians suffered. Previous textile industries that had existed in India were driven out of business and as a result, many were left without a job. Those who joined the factories received worse treatment than the English during the industrial revolution. However for all the England brought technologically, it did not bring anything socially. It did not do anything to promote a democracy or update the outdated “caste system” that was already in place. (8) Thus lower class people suffered as much as they did under previous rulers. Furthermore, higher taxes were put in place. Many landowners in small villages were now allowed to place heavy land taxes which evicted previous tenants and made them servant to these men. (9) With all the good that the British created, the bad was much worse and fueled a hatred against all things British.

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